AudioContext playback without preloading time Apologies if this is old news, but it's been a huge revelation to me :) The MP3 file is 5.2MB For some reason, probably because the spec has changed since the article "Getting Started with Web Audio API" in was published, the most common way of loading a file sound is something like:
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); 'GET', fileName, true); oReq.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; oReq.onload = function (oEvent) { var arrayBuffer = oReq.response; // do arrayBuffery things, probably with AudioContext.context.decodeAudioData }; oReq.send(null);
Which forces the browser to download the file completely before starting decoding. That's inconvenient because it's not necessary -AudioElement doesn't do that- and because it makes loading process unecessarily long. So it turns out this works:
var context = new AudioContext(); var a = document.createElement( 'audio' ); a.src = trackName;; var audioSource = context.createMediaElementSource( a ); audioSource.connect( context.destination );
The browser will start playing almost right away. You can connect all the nodes you want, it all works the same Tested with Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari OSX; Chrome and Firefox Android. Haven't tried personally iOS, but I have reports that works with 6 and 7